Thursday, April 30, 2020


More than great
There for you
Here always
Really cool

No matter what

No matter what i live and smile
No matter what i cry and sing
No matter what i say or do the world goes on
for me and

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


The goopy person
The dirty  table
The cold door
The crazy girl

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

i am not

I am not dead 
I am not alive 
I am  not here
I am not there
I am not the sun
Nor the moon

Monday, April 13, 2020


we are adopting lovey i am super happy if you want to see the story go one  post before this one to see it-feli

Adoption story!!

we are adopting lovey yeah!!!!!!!!! this is the story...
it was Easter  and my mom every year puts little notes in our Easter eggs and most of the time there is one big eggs and most of the time there is just candy in it but not this year it said...

 i freaked out and cried of joy

the end


Hear the dancers with their feet
going clop, swish, tap

Hear the singers with their voices 
going ahh, ooh, la

Hear the teachers with their students 
saying shh, shh, shh

Hear the world going round 
and then listen to
This sound